Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Revised Booklet and Poster

Below are the revised booklet and poster. In critique, we talked about relying less on the graphics and making the type become the graphics. I changed the typeface to Franklin Gothic to allow for easier justification (which helps it take the shape better). I chose to do it in all caps to suggest the traditional lettering that constructivists used. I also played with scale shifts and random angles to again fit more with the constructivist style. I also worked on making the spreads more cohesive rather than 6 separate pages.

For the poster, in critique people brought up that the poster seemed a bit flat compared to the booklet (which I agreed with). Stenberg brother posters always had some sort of depth, even if that depth was created with flat object, particularly buildings so I wanted to incorporate the castle from Harry Potter to add that sense of location and depth.

Friday, November 10, 2017

First Printed Draft

Below is the first printed draft of my project. I printed it on the banner printer to get it to the scale I wanted. Stapled them together for the mock-up, and trimmed and folded them.

I really like how the colors look on the cream paper, it really softened them and gave it more of an authentic feel. For the final one I need to find a way to make sure the folds come out crisper and the edges look cleaner.

I'm happy with the size, however. Not too big, but not too small.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Print Set-Up

Below is the document used for printing. This shows how the pages need to be set up to make the pages go in the correct order and direction when folded

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Constructivism Booklet & Poster Draft #1

Below is my first draft of my booklet and poster. For the booklet, I wanted to highlight the dynamic movement that constructivist pieces had, as well as the traditional red and black colors, blocky letters, and geometric shape.

For my poster, I wanted to give a contemporary movie a constructivist style poster. I chose Harry Potter because I saw a connection between a lot of the themes in the Realistic Manifesto and the Harry Potter books and movies. I also thought Harry's glasses would give me a fun space to play with the sort-of double-exposure effect that Rodchenko especially played with. Also, a lot of the Stenberg brother's posters played with the form of glasses, so I thought that might be a good way to give another little nod to them as well.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Finding a Form

I was very interested in the constructivist movie posters created by the Stenberg brothers. So, I wanted a form that could be like a booklet that could contain the manifesto and also be able to include a poster as well. With the form I also wanted the form to reveal itself more as the reader went on and below are pictures of what I landed on. 

I discovered a fold that allows it to fold into a booklet and when completely unfolded - on the back a poster is revealed.